MENITY joins the round table discussion: Recovery Plan as an opportunity for digitalization of SMEs

MENITY is an AmCham member. We're excited to discuss key topics on Digitalization: What’s the key to successful SMEs?
AmCham Slovakia in cooperation with SAPIE drives the topic with the Slovak Alliance for Innovation Economy (SAPIE) in order to tackle the topic of digitalization of SMEs through a series of events within SAPIES' newly established initiative League for Digital Boost which has the ambition to create a broad coalition of actors in the field of the digital economy in Central and Eastern Europe.
The event will be organized as a follow-up to the recently organized discussion covering the topic Digitalization: What’s the key to successful SMEs?
The aim of the event is to discuss the key topics and challenges of digitalization with a strong focus on the Recovery Plan and its opportunities for the digitalization of SMEs.
Key questions for the public sector:
· What does the state see as a priority in the digitization of SMEs?
· What actors play which role in supporting the digital transformation?
· What forms of support for SME's digitalization are currently available from the state?
· How is Slovakia going to use the Recovery and Resilience Plan in concrete steps to support the digital transformation of SMEs? What are the key success factors for its implementation?
· How can sufficient talent be available to implement digitalization across SMEs? How can reform of the education system, migration policy, or support for teleworking help?
Key questions for the private sector:
· Which forms of support are currently perceived by the private sector as absent? What is the main recommendation for improving support for the digitalization of SMEs?
· What legislative barriers exist and what reforms should be adopted to remove them?
· How to raise business awareness of the need for a comprehensive approach to digital transformation?
· How is it possible to increase support and confidence in the digital transformation across all levels of society and the regions of Slovakia?
Ivan Štefanec, Member of European Parliament
Michal Číž, Department of Digital Innovation and Projects, MIRRI
Rastislav Brenčič, CEO & Founder, 26HOUSE
Anna Brziaková, Associate Partner Innovations, CIVITTA